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Bubbling Blooms Body Wash

Bubbling Blooms Body Wash
Sterling Fun
Tillywig Award Winner 2010

3-18 Yrs.

Bubbling Blooms Body Wash provides a gentle, skin-loving cleanse for your body, free of the synthetic ingredients found in so many other body wash products. What you put on your skin gets absorbed into your body, so it's not just the health and beauty of your skin that benefits from Sparklehearts' use of natural ingredients. It's all of you. The packaging is fun, attractive, and made from recycled materials. A quick push of the hand on the pump action top makes it a snap to dispense while in the bath or shower. The result is fresh, clean skin and a sweet, light scent. The same healthy self-care, Earth-care philosophy and high quality components are inherent in all Sparklehearts products, making them extremely attractive to girls, young women, and parents alike.