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2014 Tillywig Award Winners

Books & Magazines

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The Principles of Our World - Sacrifice Back to top

David Esposito has done a huge service to parents, educators, and children by creating The Principles of Our World series of books. In this installment kids learn the principle of sacrifice, and like the other books in the series, this one uses several stories and characters to which the young reader can easily relate to demonstrate the principle at hand. Readers are provided with a window into the internal struggles many...Read more

The Principles of Our World - Teamwork Back to top

As do each of the other books in The Principles of Our World series, this one contains a collection of stories that exemplify a particular principle, in this case the principle of teamwork. Each of the stories provides a different context (home, school, work, parents), and relatable characters in real-life situations. This approach, consistent throughout the series, makes it easy for young readers to see themselves in the...Read more

What Not to do at the Zoo Back to top
0-10 yrs.
Best Creative Fun

Clever simplicity of the sort that speaks to a young child's imagination is hard to come by, even more so when it tickles a child's funny bone. That's why really good children's books are rare, and why What Not to do at the Zoo is so refreshing. The title alone arouses curiosity, and each 2-page illustration and accompanying line of text delivers humorous guidance on exactly what to avoid doing while at the zoo. 'Do not t...Read more

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