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Really?! Think you know me? Guess again!

Really?! Think you know me? Guess again!
Best Family Fun
Tillywig Award Winner 2021

Really Fun, LP

This delightfully entertaining and often uproariously funny game makes for the perfect icebreaker at parties and get-togethers of every kind. The game components are brilliantly designed: a tall, clear plastic cup filled with play ice cube pieces along with a deck of cards and several dials (more on those in a moment). Like many of the best party and family games, this one takes only seconds to learn and moves along at a steady, relaxed pace. Players take turns flipping a card from the pile and reading aloud a question and multiple potential answers, secretly marking their favorite answer on their own dial. The other players privately mark their dials with the answer they believe the reader has chosen. The ice pieces are used to cleverly track players' progress towards a win at the end of every round. The cards' humor-and-thought-provoking questions and answers are the real stars of the show, serving the dual function of moving play steadily forward while acting as a frequent springboard for free-flowing conversational merriment! For 2 to 6 players, ages 8 and up!